define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); Dolphin Premier Inground Pool Cleaner with Oversized Bag - Sport Briefing: Find the best sport & outdoor products

Dolphin Premier Inground Pool Cleaner with Oversized Bag

Price: $1,500.00

Smart Nav scans the pool shape and calculates the optimal path for faster, more efficient cleaning
HyperGrip dual tracks for 40% less slippage while climbing walls and stairs
Power scrubs and vacuums doors, steps, walls, and water line
Reduces energy costs up to 90% (5 per hour) over AC-powered cleaners by running on DC motors
Vacuums leaves, debris, pollen & green algae with the option to attach different media and filters

#Dolphin #Premier #Inground #Pool #Cleaner #Oversized #Bag B01LTBZP3K
