define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); Plastic & Celluloid Table Tennis Balls Compared: Bounce and Conformity - Sport Briefing: Find the best sport & outdoor products

Plastic & Celluloid Table Tennis Balls Compared: Bounce and Conformity

Part 5: Bounce and Conformity
1. What the ITTF test for 0:16
2. How our tests were done 1:09
3. Our results
– consistency 3:35
– comparative bounce heights 5:45
4. Conclusions 6:58
– the need to adapt 7:19

How similar, or identical does the plastic table tennis ball play compared to the celluloid ball? Although we test Joola’s Super P 40+ plastic ball using Technical Leaflet T3 as a guideline, our observations and conclusions apply equally to all two piece plastic balls.

In this 11 part video series, Preston Table Tennis Association conducted random sample testing of Joola’s Super-P 40+ plastic ball and for comparison purposes, Joola’s Super 40 celluid ball using the same guidelines the ITTF use, Technical Leaflet T3 – The Ball.


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