define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); Proform 995 SEL Treadmill Review – Do Not Buy Before Reading This - Sport Briefing: Find the best sport & outdoor products

Proform 995 SEL Treadmill Review – Do Not Buy Before Reading This

Is the Proform 995 SEL treadmill the right one for you? First things first… this particular model has been

discontinued. If you want it you will have to buy it either used or refurbished.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t buy it-just that it will be more difficult to get replacement parts for it.

So is it a good buy? Here is a review of the 4 critical features to help you find out.

#1) Price

Why not start with the most important feature of all? This model sold new for around $700… so you can obviously get it cheaper when buying used.

This is a very cheap price-but do you sacrifice quality? That’s what you are about to find out.

#2) Power

It has a 1.75 “continuous duty horsepower” engine. This is a tad bigger than the cheapest models… but still is not strong enough for anything more than walking.

#3) Technology

The Proform 995 SEL treadmill comes with ‘iFit’ technology. This is a system that enables you to download “customized” exercises from the internet right onto your treadmill.

It’s a nice feature–but in all honesty it’s overrated. After all, you could accomplish the same thing by simply going online and getting a workout yourself. You don’t need to pay extra for this.

#4) Cushioning

It does have some nice cushioning-and you can adjust it from soft to hard according to your preferences. This is a rare feature that is quite useful.

#5) Size

This machine is quite heavy… but it can be folded up and stowed away so it won’t take up much room.

The verdict–like most machines by the company the Profom 995 SEL treadmill is best suited for lighter users who want a “walking only” machine. If you are heavier and or plan on running a lot, you will need a better model.

treadmill-Review—Do-Not-Buy-Before-Reading-This&id=3241714″>Source by Jake Manning

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