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ProForm Carbon T14 Treadmill Review

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The ProForm Carbon T14 is at the top of the Carbon Series from ProForm. This is a midrange model that comes with some nice built-in features that are found on higher-end models. Plus, it is sturdy and comfortable to use – what more could you ask for?

Starting with the programming, the T14 is enabled with iFit which comes free for the first month when you purchase this treadmill. iFit is displayed on the 14” touch screen and offers thousands of guided workout classes. Training on and off the treadmill is possible with iFit for total-body, well-rounded programming. The T14 automatically adjusts the speed and incline levels for you when you take a class, too!

We recommend the ProForm Carbon T14 for walking, jogging, hiking, and light running. It has a 2.75 CHP motor that is best for this kind of use and lighter to moderate levels of activity. If you’re looking for a treadmill to train for a marathon or if you have multiple members in your household who want to use the treadmill, we recommend checking out the ProForm Pro 9000. The T14 isn’t best for heavy use. The motor is pretty quiet however and should be appropriate for most home spaces.

The deck is 20” x 55”. This makes the T14 pretty compact, but this might limit taller users from being able to run comfortably. Most users, including our reviewers who range from 5’1” up to 6’5”, are all able to jog, and our shorter reviewers can run on it at a faster pace, too. If you have a longer stride length you might be more limited to jogging.

If you’re looking for a treadmill that takes up less space and folds, however, this one is a great pick! The folding mechanism uses a hydraulic assist, unlike the other Carbon Treadmills from ProForm. This is very helpful when lifting and lowering the deck. Plus, folding makes this treadmill easier to store.

For a pretty affordable treadmill, this one has nice cushioning that helps protects your joints and feel comfortable underfoot. I personally love the steel crossbar under the console. It helps keep the screen from shaking and makes this treadmill feel really solid and durable.

If you’re looking for a treadmill with interactive training content, and comfortable cushioning, that’s great for walking, jogging, and some running, then check out the ProForm Carbon T14. We’re really impressed with this little treadmill, and we think you will be too!

0:00 – ProForm Carbon T14 treadmill Intro
0:38 – Construction Overview
5:41 – Console Overview
9:10 – iFit Overview
14:06 – Functionality Running Demo
15:13 – Incline Motor Demo
16:12 – Larger User Demo
16:41 – Conclusion

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