define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); Scotsman C1848MA-32 48-Inch Prodigy Plus Air-Cooled Cube Ice Maker Machine, 1909 lbs/Day, 208/230v, NSF - Sport Briefing: Find the best sport & outdoor products

Scotsman C1848MA-32 48-Inch Prodigy Plus Air-Cooled Cube Ice Maker Machine, 1909 lbs/Day, 208/230v, NSF

Price: $8,046.20

AutoAlert Indicator Lights: Innovative LED lights keep you informed of your machine’s operating status, signaling your staff when it is time to descale, sanitize and more.
WaterSense: The patented WaterSense adaptive purge control delivers maximum Reliability by reducing scale buildup, extending time between cleanings.
Innovation: Industry-exclusive QR code instantly connects users to service information and history.
Easy-to-Clean: One-touch cleaning reduces labor costs and saves time.
Effiency: Front-located air filter for more efficient operation.

#Scotsman #C1848MA32 #48Inch #Prodigy #AirCooled #Cube #Ice #Maker #Machine #lbsDay #208230v #NSF B00B7L7V8K

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