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Table Tennis: Fundamentation training.

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Table Tennis: Fundamentation training.

Lev Matveev, defines as the means to liberate the sport struggle. Qualified colleagues such as Zech, Matin, Pietka-Spitz, Ter Owannesjan and Weineck among others, understand technique as the set of processes generally developed by practice to solve more rationally and economically a given motor problem.
The reality that the technique is a subjective pattern of the teaching of a motor action that varies in each experience, is variable depending on the primary level or not of whom the teaching.
The mechanics of motor action, approached from biomechanics, facilitates this process with studies and research ranging from description to cause.
In this sense, Jose Acero Ms.Sc. & Sci.
Explain that:

Variability in human movement can be conceptualized as the normal variations that occur in motor execution through multiple repetitions of a gesture. Variability is inherent in all biological systems, in space and time and can be easily observed (Stergiou et al, 2004).

Linear variability describes change in a system. This implies that everything on the outside is not useful when the process of the result of it is proportional to the input of the system. According to Latash &, Gutman (1993), traditionally linear variability in human movement has been oriented to consider it as a resource of “error” or “noise” in performance that must be eliminated from the motor system.

The nonlinear variability of dynamical systems) is a multifactorial approach that describes systems that constantly change on different time scales. (Davids et al, 2003)

In the last decade, the possibility of considering variability with a very important functional role in the understanding of human movement has been accentuated (Hamill et al., 1999). In this sense, biomechanical and motor control researchers in relation to sport have recently used analysis techniques ranging from the application of approaches of dynamic systems to the control and coordination of movements.

Given the affirmation that the variability of sports movement decreases with the acquisition of technique, a process that is called “motor learning paradigm”. The theory of dynamical systems (TSD) has emerged as a viable framework to interpret the variability of sports technique as a source of information that influences the continuous re-adaptations of the athlete thus creating a great report of movements that solve the current requirements.


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