define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); The Dos and Don’ts of Advertising Your Yard Sale on Craigslist - Sport Briefing: Find the best sport & outdoor products

The Dos and Don’ts of Advertising Your Yard Sale on Craigslist

So you want to have a yard sale. Great! But wait; did you advertise that yard sale? If not, expect no one to show up. If it isn’t too late, you can and should turn to You can advertise your garage sale on this classified website, but what should or shouldn’t you do when doing so.

DO NOT post your for sale items in the Craigslist garage sale section. You might be surprised how many people do this; don’t be one of those people. Craigslist has an entire for sale section, where individual items belong. List your treadmill for sale in the garage sale section and no one will call you.

DO include your city or town in your headline. Before writing your full Craigslist post, you are able to write a sentence summarizing your yard sale. Craigslist is location based, but they only use a few cities from each state. Although your posting appears under Atlanta, Georgia, you may live 20 miles outside of the city. Save your street address for inside, but the headline should include your city or town.

DO NOT forget to post your address. You might be surprised how many people do this. No one will show up for your yard sale if they don’t know where to go. Yes, it is important to ensure you provide information on the date and time, but don’t overlook the simplest things, like your address.

DO go into detail about what you have available for sale. Yard sale shoppers hate visiting sales that only have a few items. If you have lots of items, make it known and go into detail. Unlike your newspaper classified, Craigslist is free and you can write as long of a post as you want. Make a list of all the items you have for sale.

DO NOT write your list in paragraph format. This makes it impossible and time consuming to read. Once again, you aren’t charged per line, so have fun. Use bullet points. For example:

* Lots of 4T and 5T Girls Clothes

* LeapFrog Kids Toys and More

* Exercise DVDs

DO write “no early birds please,” if you don’t want people showing up when you are setting up or having your morning coffee. You might be surprised how rabid some yard sale shoppers are. They will show up early thinking they are getting the best deal, without even thinking about the inconvenience it causes you.

Source by Adnan Masood

treadmill for sale

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