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Treadmill Walking and Other Great Treadmill Workouts


Home treadmills are great for losing weight, toning muscle, and staying fit. You can start with slow treadmill walking and then brisk treadmill walking and then move on to some other more exciting treadmill workouts. There are many different treadmills out there with a variety of programs, such as Interval training, number of calories burned, and some treadmills even have a specific program for weight loss to meet your needs. You can use the incline function or you can just do treadmill walking and/or running.

Precor treadmills have a unique suspension system which reduces impact to joints and back, which in turn makes your treadmill workout experience more comfortable whether you are treadmill walking or full out treadmill running. Each precor treadmill model offers a variety of programs. Their programs range from weight-loss to 5k running courses. Precor offers exercise programs that are both, challenging and motivating. Some of the precor models offer several courses, such as: Heart rate, Interval and weight-loss. The electronic readouts or display shows your calories burned, distance ran or walked, heart rate, incline, profile, scan speed, time and other fitness parameters. Some of the programs offered on a variety of precor models are: 1 mile, 10k, 2 mile, 5k, weight-loss, interval, hill climb, track, and goal. This is just some of the programs offered to help you reach your significant ideal weight.

Motus home treadmills offer built-in goal-oriented programs, which will help you reach your goals, whether those goals are to loose weight or to get healthy and fit. Motus treadmills have an exercise information display which displays time, incline, calories burned per hour, speed, distance and pace and total calories burned. It has a 0 to 15 percent incline, and speeds up to 13mph. You can start out treadmill walking and work up to a 13 mph run. The motus treadmills have various programs built in, such as stamina promotion programs and fat burn programs.

The landice treadmill models have a simple and very easy to use control panel suitable for users who want a total treadmill workouts without the complications of different exercise programs. Each landice treadmill model comes with a variety of programs. It has speeds up to 12mph, and a 15 percent elevation. It offers time, distance, and calorie goal programs. Some of the landice models offer a training calendar and a track with race mode for those of you who are runners. They also display speed, elevation, calories burned and pace.

With the calorie goal program, you can select your desired goal, such as weight loss and fulfill it by using the training calendar.You can use interval training to burn off more fat and calories. Focus on alternating between high intensity intervals and recovery periods of a slow run or brisk treadmill walking to increase endurance and burn off calories. You should always start with a cardio workout before you do a total workout.

Work on a brisk treadmill walking to get your heart pumping, then gradually increase your speed and your intervals by 1% every 15 seconds. With interval training, you burn off more fat and calories in less time. As always, you need the right piece of equipment when doing treadmill workouts. You can do treadmill walking, then start running, try increasing your incline, like you are running up a hill, then start to decrease gradually and go back to walking at a slow pace for the cool down period.

Getting fit and healthy takes some time, as well as losing weight. Use the treadmill workouts to burn off your desired amount of calories, but also eat healthy and do treadmill walking everyday, especially if you want to lose weight.


treadmill-Walking-and-Other-Great-treadmill-Workouts&id=1933339″>Source by Kevin Nutter


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