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What Is Your Goal Challenge?

Setting goals seems to be the talk of the town these days. They never seem to go out of style because they make the difference between success and failure.

Setting up a goal challenge for yourself is one of the best ways to get up to speed with your own life. Why is that? Because we all love a challenge. Challenges force us to bring to the table the forces of motivation that we all have.

Are you up to the task? If we want something bad enough how hard a worker would you be to get it? I know I wanted to have a new bike when I was a teenager. The only way I knew how to earn money is through a local paper route.

Seems easy enough but I had to wake up way before school started, fold the newspapers and then deliver them before the sun came up. But I did it and I made enough money to get the bike I wanted.

I know it doesn’t sound like much of a goal to you but to me at the time it was one of the best times of my life.

Fast forward to later in life where I wanted more in life than just a bike. I was working full time and going to college to get my degree so that I could qualify to take a test for promotion purposes. It took me 4 years but I did it. I made the grade and entered a career I was proud to be part of.

I couldn’t do any of those things unless I made up my mind to do it. I created my own goal plans and challenged myself to meet the demands.

Call them professional goals or personal goals because to me they are both the same. Goals make us whole. Goals make us feel better. Goals help us define our character and allow us to enter a world only the successful people have.

We can be in the upper echelon of people who feels good every single day. Goals are easy to define and even to set up. It’s easy to write down the steps to achieve what we want out of life.

The hard part is starting and maintaining motivation is to keep doing what we have to do. Once we achieve even one goal then we know we have the power within us to achieve even more.

That’s the beauty of goals where if we do one then anything we write down and define we can achieve.

How dedicated are you to getting what you want out of life?

Source by Jim Hampton

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