YMC America AQ12S11-2530WT Reversed-Phase C18 HPLC Column, ODS-AQ, 120 Angstrom, 10 Micron, 250mm x 30mm
Price: $10,170.40
ODS-AQ C18 reversed-phase HPLC column with hydrophobic high-carbon loading material and hydrophilic surface for reproducible retention and peak shape in highly aqueous eluents, including 100% water
10 micron particle size, 120 angstrom porosity
30mm inside diameter, 250mm length
Threaded end fitting
Pack of 1
#YMC #America #AQ12S112530WT #ReversedPhase #C18 #HPLC #Column #ODSAQ #Angstrom #Micron #250mm #30mm B00UDL6NNY